James 5:1 to 5:20
James warns against oppressing the poor and defrauding them of their pay. He ends by reminding us to save someone from error is to save a soul from death.
James warns against oppressing the poor and defrauding them of their pay. He ends by reminding us to save someone from error is to save a soul from death.
James teaches to avoid strife in the Church. We are to be a people that do not judge but are at peace with our brethren.
James continues teaching about faith without works is dead. Then we get into controlling our tongues.
James condemns the favoritism found in the Church. Then we learn about faith without works is dead and how that applies to us today.
Join us as we learn about controlling the tongue and controlling our anger.
James teaches about rejoicing in trials. We are to seek God's wisdom for our needs.
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