Romans 13:11-14 calls believers to wake up, abandon sin, and live righteously, as salvation is near. It’s Time to Wake Up!
Romans 13:11-14 calls believers to wake up, abandon sin, and live righteously, as salvation is near. It's Time to Wake Up!
Speaker: Tiera Gilyard
Romans 13:11-14 calls believers to wake up, abandon sin, and live righteously, as salvation is near. It’s Time to Wake Up!
Romans 13:11-14 calls believers to wake up, abandon sin, and live righteously, as salvation is near. It's Time to Wake Up!
In the Fathers house we have all we need. It's time to return to the Presence of God!
The Greatest Crisis facing our generation is that light has come, but men refuse the light.
God can use anything for His glory - especially an empty vessel surrendered to Him!
God desires more than words, He calls us to honor Him with our whole bodies. This is our reasonable act of worship as believers.