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Garland, Texas

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Women of Virtue

A Women’s Ministry

The vision of “Women of Virtue” is to provide a safe space where women can teach, learn, encourage, and disciple one another. Participating in a women’s ministry with fellow believers fosters a deeper desire to live a godly life by empowering women to embrace their spiritual gifts, serve their families and communities, and grow in faith together.


We aim to create opportunities for women in Christ to form deep and lasting connections through thoughtfully organized social gatherings. Our events are designed to foster genuine relationships by providing a welcoming environment where participants can share their experiences, support one another, and engage in meaningful conversations. By bringing women together in a spirit of fellowship and mutual encouragement, we aim to build a strong, supportive community that nurtures long-term friendships and collective spiritual growth.


Our goal is to promote spiritual growth, provide support, and inspire acts of service among women. We gather regularly for in-depth study of God’s Word, emphasizing not just theoretical understanding but practical application in our daily lives. Through these gatherings, we aim to cultivate a deeper relationship with God, encourage mutual support, and empower each other to live out our faith actively. By exploring and implementing biblical teachings, we seek to transform our lives and communities, fostering a vibrant and supportive network of women dedicated to living out their Christian values. 


We foster engaging spiritual discussions that encourage participants to deepen their commitment to prayer, strengthen their faith, and pursue God’s purposes with greater boldness. By creating an environment where open, thoughtful dialogue thrives, we help individuals reflect on their spiritual journey, seek greater connection with God, and take courageous steps in their faith. Our goal is to inspire a vibrant community where each person is motivated to grow spiritually and actively contribute to God’s work in the world.

“She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” Prov 31:26

Specialized groups like “Women of Virtue” play a vital role in the sanctification journey for these four key reasons.

Transformation: Renewing the Mind

We seek to align our thoughts with the mind of Christ. Through fellowship, dialogue, and studying His Word, we invite the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and guide our actions to honor Him. Psalm 119:11 says “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” A thorough study of Scripture transforms us, enabling us to adopt Christ’s mindset and dedicate our lives to Him.

Growth: Advancing In Our Faith
We focus on continuous spiritual growth by seeking to align our hearts and actions with God’s Word. Through fellowship, studying Scripture, and supporting one another, we grow in faith and maturity. This process allows us to deepen our relationship with Christ, embrace our purpose, and reflect His love in our daily lives. As we grow together, we become better equipped to live out His teachings and serve others.

Walk in Our Purpose: Embracing Our Identity in Christ

A significant question in today’s world is “What is a Woman?” Genesis 5:2 says “Male and female created he them.” Amidst the world’s confusion and the enemy’s deception, Women of Virtue creates an environment where we uncover our true identity and divine roles assigned by the Lord. By studying biblical principles and the lives of godly women in the Bible, we come to understand our authentic identity in Christ as His masterpiece.

Fellowship: Nurturing Relationships and Strengthening the Community

Lighthearted godly entertainment is an important aspect to ministry. Prov 17:22 says “A merry heart does good like a medicine”. Sharing testimonies, stories and experiences promotes trust amongst believers. Engaging in social activities together cultivates lasting friendships and participating in community outreach is equally vital. Through active involvement in our community, we build meaningful relationships and fulfill our calling to be the light in a world full of darkness.

To Connect or Learn More, Contact Us.

We meet every 2nd Saturday of the month, from 1-3pm, at Christ Unveiled Ministries.

Women of Virtue Connect Form

Our Leadership Team:

Spirit led leaders, grounded in Christ through study, prayer and obedience ensures that our women’s ministry remains centered on biblical teachings which are thoroughly explained.

In 2 Tim 2:15 we learn that we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Having ministry leaders who adhere to that truth edifies us and encourages our spiritual maturity through the Holy Spirit.
