Holy Spirit Encounters
The Holy Spirit is a person who desires to be encountered. Embrace all that He is today!
The Holy Spirit is a person who desires to be encountered. Embrace all that He is today!
In an age of false prophets, every believer is encouraged to test the spirits to discern whether they are from God.
No matter what, Look to God. Let Him direct your path!
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit is light and life for the believer! Allow Him to illuminate your life.
Everything we need has been prepared for us in Jesus. It's time to set aside excuses and Partake.
In a world where everyone fights for their rights, God seeks those who fully surrender to Him.
In the information age, Galatians 1:6-9 warns against a perverted gospel, stressing that only the pure Gospel of Christ leads to salvation.
Romans 13:11-14 calls believers to wake up, abandon sin, and live righteously, as salvation is near. It's Time To Wake Up!
God invites us into a personal, transforming fellowship with His Son, sharing His grace and purpose.
Explore the meaning of backsliding, its causes, and practical ways to avoid falling into this spiritual decline.
Many times, even Christians may live in denial of their true spiritual condition. Listen as common self-deceptions are uncovered.
A famine is one of the most devastating events a society can face. Listen as Pastor Lincoln examines the famine in America.