Rev 6:16 to 8:5
We see the 144,000 Jews sealed. Then those saved during the Tribulation in Heaven worshipping at God's Throne.
We see the 144,000 Jews sealed. Then those saved during the Tribulation in Heaven worshipping at God's Throne.
We finish seeing the Lamb of God at the Throne. Then we have revealed to us the Seven Seals of Revelation.
In chapter 4 we see the majesty of God's Throne. Then in chapter 5 we see the Lamb slain.
We learn about the apostate church in the last days represented by the Laodicean church. Then we come to view the Throne of the Almighty God in Revelation 4.
Paul speaks to the churches representing the Lutheran church and missionary church. Are you in the church that will escape the hour of temptation?
Jesus rebukes the church of Thyatira which represents the Papal Roman Catholic church. Learn how the Roman Catholic system is the opposite of real Christianity.
The message to the church of Smyrna is one of encouragement to a persecuted church. The message to the church of Pergamos was one of correction because of marrying paganism with Christianity.
We look at the vision John had of Jesus in the midst of the seven churches. The first church, Ephesus, was given a letter; learn how that letter applies to us today.
We introduce the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. We explore the mystery and majesty of the book penned by John on the island of Patmos.
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