John 12:17 to 12:29
Jesus begins His passion week to the cross to save humanity. To reject Jesus is to make the worst and most tragic mistake a human can make.
Jesus begins His passion week to the cross to save humanity. To reject Jesus is to make the worst and most tragic mistake a human can make.
Lazarus is raised from the dead by Jesus. Then Jesus' triumphant entry in Jerusalem occurs.
Jesus waits before He goes to awaken Lazarus from the dead. He sometimes waits for someone to die before He shows up
Jesus proves He is the Messiah. Then exposes His enemies' hypocrisy.
Jesus heals a man blind from birth. He then deals with the religious leaders opposing Him for doing it.
Jesus openly exposes the enemies of the Gospel. Then He heals a man blind from birth.
Jesus teaches He is the Light of the world. Then explains man is lost due to the sin nature that all have.
Jesus declares He is the Light of the world as His enemies try to trap Him in His words with a woman caught in adultery. We see the picture of our salvation in the woman caught in adultery.
Jesus goes to the Feast of Booths with opposition from His brothers and the religious Jews. He boldly proclaims the Truth of who He is and many believe on Him.
Jesus speaks spiritual words that cause many of His followers to leave Him. Learn the meaning of eating His flesh and drinking His blood.
The people are seeking what they can get instead of the giver. The religious are looking for sign. Jesus tells them to seek the Bread of Life.
Jesus faces opposition but does not waiver. He performs a miracle to feed five thousand.