Knowing God’s Word
We are told to study God's Word. Do you take time to really understand the Bible?
We are told to study God's Word. Do you take time to really understand the Bible?
Jesus came not to bring world peace or peace between men. His peace is a peace that is an eternal covenant only with those that believe.
Jesus is not just the "reason for the season"; He is the reason for everything. Santa is a lie to take people away from Jesus Christ.
When someone offends and hurts you, how do you respond? We must forgive every time.
We are to be clothed in pure white the righteousness of Christ when He comes. Are you ready to meet Him face to face?
Here are three probing questions you need to ask about your relationship with God. Where is your walk with God right now?
We should approach God with boldness in our time of need. Have confidence in the power of the cross.
An insight into the caring provision from God and humanity's immature behavior in response to it.
There are moments when Christian's may feel alone, but God consistently remains faithful.
When you sin, don't quit. Keep pressing forward into the things of God. He is merciful and will forgive.
We are all called to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn how to be bold in your faith and never ashamed.
Fear is not just a small thing but it is something that can make you forsake God. In these last days, the warning is that apostacy is coming - be ready.